Thursday, 14 February 2013

Timeline of music magazines

Musical Express 1970 

Smash Hits 1984

XXL 1997

Kerrang 1999

Uncut 2000
Mojo 2006

Music Teacher 2009

Clash 2011

Billboard 2012
Music magazines that have been published from 1970 through to 2012.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thinking of a concept

This is the mind map I made while trying to think of a concept for my music magazine. By doing this it gave me a clear idea of what I was going to do.

 I have played around with different fonts and colours. I also came up with my main article idea which is a band breaking up and making their solo debuts. 

I also stated the target audience for my magazine and the price. I have chosen punk rock music and artists so the target audience i chose was teenagers to people around the age of 26 as they would often want to know all the gossip on the popular up coming artists. 

I made a list of a few names for my magazine but the one I decided to go with was remix as its a popular term used in the music industry.

I also decided on a colour scheme of red, white and black. I chose these colours as I noticed that they are used in most rock magazines so will fit to the genre of mine. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Magazines in shops

For this task I went into my local shop and took a picture of the magazines that they had in stock. From the picture you can see that they had many different types of magazines sports, cars, music and other popular topics. The magazines that most caught my eye were the rock music ones Kerrang and NME. They are well known popular magazines so are put towards the front of the shelf. The bright colours and bold fonts are used to attract customers attention as they walk by.

The magazines are placed in order of importance on the shelves the ones that are high sellers and well known are placed at the front so that people can find them easily. Whereas the less popular ones are placed behind them.

I noticed that all of the magazines have a colour theme throughout the front cover, The masthead is always in big bold fonts so that they are easy to read and most of them had the person on the cover looking directly at the camera to make eye contact with there buyers. Also they often offer a free gift with the magazine making you want to buy it more.

My School magazine

For the front cover of my magazine i used a colour             For my contents page i added red into my
scheme of black, white, yellow and green. It looks              colour scheme, but i kept the font green.
quite busy as I have used five large images. I have used     This page also includes a lot of pictures
the school logo in the top left corner and included                however it doesn't look messy as they make
a barcode in the bottom right corner. I have also                 up a border. The pictures link in with the
included exclusive interviews to make people want to         magazine as they have been taken around
read on, and page numbers so that if something on             the school of students and teachers. I also
the cover interests them they know what page to find         included the school logo as this could be an
it on.                                                                                    ongoing thing throughout the magazine.